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Ryan Ewing
Apr 6, 20223 min read
What a Couple of Weeks!
As mentioned before, I am not coaching on a team this year. That fact hasn't stopped me from working with a number of area athletes, and...
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Ryan Ewing
Mar 20, 20223 min read
Keep it Simple!
Over the years I've learned how valuable "keeping it simple" truly is. That lesson continues to speak volumes to me even now after...
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Ryan Ewing
Mar 11, 20223 min read
Week 1 (nearly) in the Books!
Not being on an actual coaching staff this year is something I'm still getting used to, but the idea of helping numerous...
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Coach Ewing
Feb 21, 20183 min read
SERIOUSLY track coaches?!?!?
The other day I was messaging an athlete that I coached at one of my clinics awhile back. He is currently in college and is...
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Coach Ewing
Feb 15, 20184 min read
Is it OK to be "friends" with an athlete?
Too often I feel coaches don't know how to properly answer/approach this question. The idea of being "friends" can seem like the right...
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Coach Ewing
Feb 15, 20183 min read
Want success? Make sure your team looks at one another as a family FIRST - Part 2
In the last blog post I went through the importance of creating a family dynamic on your team. That importance is one of the most...
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Coach Ewing
Feb 6, 20182 min read
Want success? Make sure your team looks at one another as a family FIRST - Part 1
A few years ago when the Ohio State Buckeye football team won the national championship their coach Urban Meyer said something that...
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Coach Ewing
Nov 20, 20173 min read
Winning isn't everything
As the title implies winning isn't everything. In my opinion any coaches out there that truly care about the position they've been...
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Coach Ewing
Aug 28, 20172 min read
Visualization Part 1
Recently I was emailing an athlete that is experiencing shin splints and I tried hard to help him understand that his situation isn't as...
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