What an amazing night for the Sun Prairie Track & Field team! We had two meets, and both groups did exceptionally well for themselves!
The first meet was in Ripon, WI in their newly built collegiate indoor track. We've been there three times now and absolutely LOVE it. It may be one of the best indoor tracks in the entire state, and the coaching staff and athletes at Ripon really know how to run a good meet!
The jumpers performed really well. A freshmen (girl) on the team jumped over 16' and took 2nd place. Our lone female triple jumper took 4th and is only a foot from her personal best - with a huge amount of the season still in front of us. Both boy long jumpers placed going 4th and 5th. Outside of those that placed we had one boy triple jumper and one girl long jumper that unfortunately didn't place but did some great things! They boy triple jump jumped his biggest number of the season thus far, but had to end things early due to a heel injury. He's been battling this for most of the season now. I am hopeful that he'll be able to recover as he's an amazing triple jumper and person who has worked extremely hard each and every year on the team (currently a senior). The female long jumper was competing in her first-ever long jump competition and scratched all of her jumps - completely understandable! She jumped really well, now we just need to get her on the board. I predict she is going to be REALLY GOOD as the season progresses!
The second meet was in Janesville, WI at Monterey Stadium. It was a dual meet between us and Janesville Craig. When we have dual meets we take the entire team. Last night was a little different as there were some individuals that went to Ripon. As well, we left behind a number of injured athletes to work on rehab at practice so that they wouldn't further injure themselves competing.
Again, the jumpers performed exceptionally well! It was cold. It was dreary. Conditions simply weren't what you'd hope for them to be. That didn't stop the jumpers though!
On the girls side we had a number of a number of jumps that were exceptionally close to new personal bests, a few personal bests, and some new jumpers that showed me they are ready for the spotlight. On the guys side we had a huge number of new jumpers competing and they did GREAT! Again, there were a few in particular that really turned my head - can't wait to see them compete again!!
What athletes need to realize is that weather conditions greatly affect performances. In no way should this be seen as an excuse, but rather a reality. I don't tell my kids how the weather will affect them because I don't want them to use that as a crutch or reason to fail. I want them focused and ready to dominate the lane. Instead, I tell them how to stay warm and how to "keep a small sweat at all times". Focus on what they can do when giving them direction and not what they won't (most likely) do.

Throughout the entirety of the meet I kept a smile on my face and a positive disposition. I wasn't worried in the least because I've seen kids jump smaller numbers to start the year due to weather, and go to state later in the year when weather improves. I know what to expect.
That happy (but cold) disposition of mine kept my athletes calm and collected even when they weren't performing to the extent that they hoped to. Make sure you as a coach are ALWAYS doing the same.
I tell my kids "If I don't look worried you shouldn't be (worried)".
Recovery day with some video breakdowns and chair landing drill work (low impact).