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Long Jump and Triple Jump: From the Ground Up is now available on Amazon! The book includes over 100 videos, collaboration opportunities, and coaching support from 
youth track all the way through the collegiate years!  Add it to your collection today!  Click here to be redirected!



The triple jump is much easier than people give it credit for, but the need for proper preparation is extremely high.  Understanding it is the first step, and watching videos like the ones I've compiled on my YouTube channel.  Check it out today!

Don't Forget...
1 Minute of Visual Work Equals 7 Minutes of Physical Training - Seriously!

The brain is the driving force behind all we do.  If the brain truly understands something, why do we need to pound our bodies in training to see results?  One of the first things I do is instruct athletes to start watching as much video as possible to help them visually understand what must happen in their chosen event(s).  I do this by directing them to my YouTube channel and sharing videos I've broken down with them so they can both see and hear an in-depth look at their jumps.  The gains I've seen (time and time again) from athletes dedicating a small portion of their night watching videos are truly amazing.  If you're a coach, I highly recommend rethinking your approaches to training to include more mental/visual work so that kids can stay both healthy and motivated as the season progresses.

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