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Days 33 and 34 - Long and Triple Season Plans

Coach Ewing

Day 33 (Wednesday) was cancelled due to our winter storm warning. The photo to the left isn't one I took but I think it illustrates how all of us are feeling about the amount of snow we've gotten in April thus far. I don't remember the last time a practice was cancelled because of weather, but better safe than sorry is a motto i'm OK with. Some coaches and I met up Wednesday night to start clearing snow for the track in preparation for our (17 team) invitational on Friday. We are hoping things melt as quickly as we expect, but wanted to help the process along by shoveling/snow-blowing.

Day 34 we had practice, but only had 4 total lanes to work with due to snow cover. The sprinters used a few lanes by the finish line, and the long sprinters used a few lanes on the back stretch. We made the best of the situation and the kids never complained once - they understand that we're all doing the best we can with the cards that have been dealt.

While the sprinters worked out I snow blowed the long and triple lanes and shoveled the sand pits to the best of my ability. I had a parent and a few athletes offer to help so the process went really smoothly! I cannot tell you how great it is to have a parent group that cares about the sport. The conversations I had with the parent that offered help was great, and it was obvious that he cares for track and field. This sport simply isn't given enough credit, and for a parent to come out and help AND have a love for the sport was great!

After I was done working at the pits I set up a tape measure on the track and we did approaches (while sharing a lane with hurdlers). The kids did great and look to be ready for our invitational!


We have our SP invite and are PUMPED to compete. The kids are freaking out about it (in a good way), and the coaches are excited to see it! Athletes that aren't competing will be helping with the meet, and are ready to help any way they can. It's going to be a GREAT night!

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