Well... The day I was dreading has officially come.
Our practices have been suspended until further notice.
Our schooling has been suspended starting this coming Wednesday and will remain suspended until further notice.
We've been given very little direction on how much or little we can communicate with and/or virtually coach our athletes.
The Sun Prairie coaching staff has already begun planning and feel very confident that we are "ahead of the curve" in attempting to best support our athletes during this time of difficulty.
The process began with our sprint coaches creating a plan for all short-sprint athletes (which include long and triple jumpers). Once done, I developed a weekly plan for the jumpers that built upon the sprint focuses. I instructed all athletes to do their best to train speed first and foremost due to it's great importance to the two jumps.
Here's what the coaching staff and I came up with:

Mondays and Wednesdays are speed work.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are "X-Factor" days (explosive strength through plyometric movements).
Fridays are Lactate days (attempt to replicate/simulate a meet).
Saturdays and Sundays are recovery days.
Every week we're out, we plan to have this same format to our practices. That may change, but for now we want to make daily routines easy for our athletes when we're unable to coach them in-person.
Over 70 individuals viewed my first post about planning for the Coronavirus, but not one gave suggestions on their planning ideas/processes.
I was/am quite disappointed...
Now that I've provided you with what I have personally planned, I ask that you reconsider providing some of your own personal thoughts and opinions for others to see. Do this by revisiting the first post and take the survey given.
I want to do everything I can to help athletes best prepare for the potential of a continued-season once some of the fears and general spreading of the virus has subsided. I don't know when that will happen, but we as coaches need to do everything we can to prepare our athletes for the potential of any upcoming competitions.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, opinions, concerns, etc. please don't hesitate to reach out at any point!