Hosting a big track meet/game? I´ve got the perfect playlist to get athletes and spectators pumped!
1.) I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas.
This is a great song to get things started off on the right foot!
2.) Best Day of My Life - American Authors
Give the athletes a good reason to get ready to experience greatness.
3.) Levels - Avicii
Purely for the beat - I love this song!
4.) Remember The Name - Fort Minor
The lyrics ¨This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will, five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name¨ could be the best sports motivational lyrics of all time!
5.) ´Till I Collapse - Eminem
This is a great song about giving it your all!
6.) Hall Of Fame - The Script
Another great motivational song to get the athletes prepared to compete!
7.) Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Great song with an beat that gets athletes motivated.
8.) Champion - Fall Out Boy
Who doesn´t want to be a champion?
9.) Go Big or Go Home - American Authors
The title says it all - get your athletes ready to GO BIG.
10.) Burn It Down - Linkin Park
Can´t have a motivational playlist without some Linkin Park!
11.) Thunder - Imagine Dragons
Get your team to bring the thunder on the competitors!
12.) Feel This Moment - Pitbull
Great song for keeping athletes in the moment (plus it´s got a great beat!).
13.) Can´t Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
¨Tonight´s the night we´ll fight ´till it´s over¨ - GREAT lyrics!
14.) Stronger - Kanye West
¨That, that don´t kill me only makes me stronger.¨ Perfect for pre-game!
15.) Centuries - Fall Out Boy
¨You will remember me, remember me for centuries!¨ Who doesn´t want to be remembered for a performance in a sporting event? This is a great pump up song!
16.) Remember The Name - Fort Minor
Love the message of this song so much I had to put it in here twice.
17.) The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
The Greatest Showman was an amazing flick! The song was used to both open and close the movie and has a GREAT beat. Plus, I feel sports (especially track) are the ¨greatest show.¨ LOVE THIS SONG!
Make sure that all music is clean when downloaded as there are versions of songs mentioned above that have inappropriate lyrics.
Hopefully your athletes enjoy the playlist!